
Inspiring the next generation through fun & engaging lessons

PE: The Apollo way

Delivering high-quality PE teaching requires a holistic approach that combines inclusivity, engagement and skill development to unlock a child's sporting potential. We believe PE has to go beyond traditional exercises and inspire all children to enjoy being active by creating an inclusive, engaging environment that nurtures physical development, promotes mental well-being, and instils lifelong habits for healthy living. 

Our PE programme focuses on developing skills, teamwork, fitness, confidence and resilience. Our lessons are thoughtfully planned to cater for varying ages, skill levels and abilities, to ensure every student feels valued and supported. Our wide range of provision introduces students to different experiences, encouraging them to find activities they enjoy and can sustain over time.

Our team of professional, experienced coaches integrate your school ethos and values into our PE programmes to ensure consistency between lessons. while ensuring the sports coaching you receive will develop your children physically, mentally and socially. 

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Our Services

We offer a comprehensive range of services designed to support you in delivering high-quality PE and School Sport. All of these services can be tailored to meet your school's needs to help make sport in your school accessible, engaging and impactful. Our range of services includes:

  • PPA Cover: Let us cover your staff's PPA time and deliver high-quality, structured lessons by our experienced professionals. We ensure a consistent, engaging experience that you can trust to be delivered to a high standard that is tailored to your school's needs 
  • CPD Support: Empower your teachers with the skills, knowledge and confidence to deliver exceptional PE lessons through our bespoke CPD programme. We will help your staff learn the best teaching strategies and techniques needed to deliver high-quality PE lessons in a range of sports of your choosing! 
  • Extra Curricular: Our clubs provide exciting, inclusive sport opportunities that keep kids active, engaged and motivated beyond the classroom. Led by expert coaches, we provide fun-focused sessions that will further develop their skills and confidence through sports and physical activity 

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10a Vicarage Close, Prescot, L34 1LA